Exterior paint is the first thing that people notice about your home. Exterior paint makes a strong visual impact and reflects the identity of your home. A supreme exterior paint enriches personality of the house and also of its residents while a shoddy exterior paint demeans the value of the house.
An effective exterior paint adds to the beauty of your residence and also works as a shield against ill-effects of weather such as rain, heat and snow. Therefore, it is imperative to coat your home with a solid and attractive paint.
Although good exterior paints last long, a frequent revamp is necessary every now and then to prevent major troubles in the future. Small yet significant issues such as cracks and blisters in paint or peel off must be amended promptly as they have potential of causing severe hassles with time.
You can place the onus on yourself and paint your house by your own or seek professional help from a pro if you feel things are too hot to handle for you. Either way, getting your home painted isn’t as simple as it may sound. Sometimes there is more work in exterior home painting than meets the eye.
To make exterior home painting less tedious, we take you through proven and result driven professional tips that will enrich quality and looks of your exterior home paint.
Choosing the paint!
Exterior home paints come in two types- oil-based alkyd and water-based latex.
Oil-based alkyd paints are favorites among professional painters as they have a swift flow, are stain resistant, and require lesser brush marks for drying. For cleanup process they need mineral spirits (paint thinner). Comparatively, Alkyd paints have better durability but they also have solid solvent odor and require more time to dry.
Latex paints are simpler to use and apply as they clean up with soap and water and dry quickly. Their smell isn’t strong too. They have fewer chances of developing cracks curtesy of their longer flexibility.
Both paint types have their own pros and cons. You can choose either of them based on your preferences as there is very little that separates their quality.
The Price factor
Paints are available in various types and variants. The price of home exterior paint depends on its pigment content, brand and durability. The general rule is, more the pigments in paint, the higher the price as pigment affects durability, thickness and strength of the paint.
On most occasions price indicates the quality. So, don’t be afraid to shell out few more dollars while buying paint as exterior home painting is an investment towards home maintenance.
The best way to go forward is to decide on a budget and indulge in some market research before buying paints. Read reviews and ask people about the effectiveness of specific brands and paint types and make a well-informed buying decision.
Read paint labels!
Labels on paint cans are rich source of information which unfortunately most people aren’t aware of.
Don’t make the mistake of ignoring instructions written on these labels as they actually help you in doing a solid paint job.
Paint can labels offer vital knowledge about how to prep the surface, the ideal outdoor temperature, and the most effective painting process. Skim through this information to equip yourself well for painting your home.
Prepping the Surface
To ensure your new paint lasts long and performs its job to full effect, it is imperative to prep the surface.
Before applying the paint, your walls must be cleared of dirt, chalky residue and grime. This can be done using a stiff-bristle brush or hand scrubbing. But it’s a tedious task and eats a lot of precious time. To brace yourself from these troubles you can hire a pressure-washer which gets the work done in no time and it doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket as well.
If there are nail heads on the surface then tap them below the surface using a hammer as they hinder the painting process. The holes that remain after tapping can be taken care of using exterior-grade putty.
The blisters and flakes from old paint need to be scrapped and sanded off before applying the new paint over it. Painting a bare wood also needs special care. You should prime bare wood to enhance the effect of the new paint on the wood.
Brush or Roller?
Choosing between a brush and a roller isn’t rocket science. Both tools are imperative for a beautiful paint job as they serve different purposes. You will need both of them at one point or the other during painting job.
Brushes are traditional painting tools and are effective for painting detailed and small areas such as corners, trims and edges.
Rollers pump speed resulting in quick painting. They are swift to use and deliver smooth finish. Rollers are ideal for painting large surfaces as they hold more paint and produce even layers of paint.
Avoid Sunlight in The Beginning
To ensure paint adheres to the wall effectively, it is essential to avoid sunlight. Direct sunlight results in quick drying and leads to issues such as premature flaking and blisters.
To prevent such issues, start painting on an overcast day or when the surface is in shades. Lack of sunlight will allow the paint to adhere nicely resulting in a smoother painted surface.
Start from The Top
You have armed yourself with a nice quality paint can and professional paint brushes and are all set to attack the exterior walls of your home. But where do you start from?
Ideally, you should start from the top and then move down as it creates a flow and prevents gravity from spoiling the already painted surface. While dealing with sliding, start with painting the bottom edge of the siding and then work on the broad surface.
Think Of Safety First!
Painting is exciting and interesting but it should be enjoyed without compromising on safety measures. Painting involves lots of ladder work, so keep in mind ladder safety and do not try to overreach while standing on the ladder as it will most probably topple you over.
Painting your home exterior can become a gruesome activity but with these above mentioned tips you can actually have fun without losing out on quality and convenience.
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